About us
We may be young, but we are not stupid.
We love farmers. They feed our soul. Together we are working to help our generation understand the importance of knowing where our food comes from and who produced it.
We’re not your typical “who cares” kind of young people from the Millennial Generation. Sure, we all have cell phones and we text like crazy. We have iPods and spend way too much time on Facebook and Twitter, but we care about our planet. We care about our country. We care about the American family farmer.
Few of our friends know how their food is produced. We think that is sad. And, really it is kind of scary. If we are not careful, we will become dependent on other countries to provide our food. That is not good. Who knows what goes on in other countries when it comes to growing our food? We have an idea, and it too is not good.
In an effort to create a conversation among our peers about our food, our farmers and our future, we have committed to getting connected. We want to get the word out about where our food comes from and how it is produced. We invite you to join our I Love Farmers group on Facebook and be a part of the conversation about American agriculture.
“Together, our generation can make a difference.”
Our Missions
“Our mission is to celebrate choice in the marketplace for our food and those who produce it.”
What do we Do?
We do this by supporting all types of agricultural production models and advocating for American family farmers and ranchers. We believe there is a place for diverse types of food production and value the creativity, innovation and dedication of families engaged in farming and ranching. We encourage an inclusive and thoughtful dialogue that contributes to a better understanding of American agriculture. Let’s pitch a big tent of thinkers and do’ers who want to make a positive difference!
I Love Farmers, They Feed My Soul is an all-volunteer movement among young people who are passionate about creating conversations about agriculture with their non-agriculture peers. We do this several ways:
First, we organize agriculture advocacy events at schools, primarily at college and university campuses. At these events we (students mostly) share facts about American agriculture, we encourage constructive dialogue and we work to educate people about where their food comes from and who produces it. We have fun and seek to find common ground in our conversations.
Second, we create or participate in public events (marathons, county fairs, concerts, etc.) that help to highlight the value of family farmers and ranchers. Again, we are trying to share a positive story about agriculture. And, we buy space on highway billboards to keep agriculture on the minds of motorists. Soon we will have a nationwide media tour with a cool old bus we are restoring to generate the attention of consumers. See the “Year of the Bus” link.
Third, we try to provide objective, credible information about agriculture on our website and foster lively dialogue and conversations in social media about food production, farming and ranching. See “Ag Info” link.
Fourth, we work to engage young people in this process. We empower them to become leaders and advocates in their local communities. We work to help them create dialogue with other young people. We help develop “catalyst groups” that initiate advocacy opportunities in their area and at their schools. They are “catalysts” for conversations about the importance of agriculture in our lives.
Fifth, we sell stickers and apparel with our colorful and popular logo that helps people celebrate their love of agriculture. The proceeds go to support and help fund this all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit movement. It all costs money.
Finally, we are trying to make a positive difference for American agriculture and the families that produce our nation’s (and our world’s) food supply.
Got questions? Ask us. We welcome the conversations.
We are federally recognized as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charitable / educational organization. Your financial contributions are tax deductible!
What is a Catalyst Group?
The function of the “Catalyst Groups” is to start conversations with our peers about American agriculture and to serve as volunteer ag advocates in a variety of other ways, i.e. Writing blogs, assisting at events, being active on social media. Catalyst Groups form “organically” as young people (14 to 24) step up and assume the leadership for creating one in their area. We welcome new groups to form when they can demonstrate a dedication to our purpose and can contribute positively to our message. The groups are not “funded” but instead help us to generate financial support to create free educational / promotional materials to distribute at events and at schools plus help maintain funding for the website and operational expenses. It is an all volunteer effort.
I Love Farmers…They Feed My Soul is not a club or member organization, but rather a grassroots movement among young people to be more assertive at sharing the amazing story of our family farmers and ranchers. We are not connected to any school or business. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit lead by young people. We depend on the sales of apparel and industry donations to support our efforts.
Catalysts for Conversation Groups




